Internship Trainining

Internship training is given to our B.Ed.,students beyond teaching practice.We have our mangement school namely SHAZAMMAL VIDYASHRAM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL in which our B.Ed Students take internship training in terms of assining the regular teachers, supervise the students, attend committee meetings and participate in all curricular and co-curricular activities .The update thier skillls through this internship training rather than teaching practice

Teaching Practice As part of syllabus, Students have to undergo teaching pratice as per the prescribed period.during pre practice teaching the entire student teachers are motivated to utilize tehnology for thier effective practice teaching like using charts,ohp,lcd,for micro teaching and preparation of micro teaching lesson plan in ohp.internet servicesis available for webite comparsion record,drawing figures and graphs for test and measurement of record.random conduct of quiz, speech and other programmesis conducted by using of latest audio and video cds.

Teaching Methodoligies

Students and faculty keep with the recent development by adopting ABL (Activity Based Learning),ALM (Active Learning Method) and ICT (Information Momputer Technology) method in the school subjects and teaching methodologies.

Use of Technology

Voice Input system, Computer Output microfilm (COM), speakers , microphone etc are used in language Lab. Digital Camera, Web Camera, Scanners are used to brow the pictures and syllabus from internet and display it to Students. Bar code reader is used in the library.

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